Dhavani Kher @ Geenees

May 19, 20225 min

The Top 15 Online Donation Platforms for Nonprofits in 2022

Updated: May 20, 2022

With the occurrence of the COVID-19 Pandemic and changing donor preferences across the world, the nonprofit sector is challenged every day to upscale to more digital-forward procedures - ones that will provide their organization with longevity. However, in this quest to upscale an organization, a nonprofit must take into consideration many factors when determining the right fit for an online giving experience. For instance - do they need in-kind donations or are they primarily looking for cash fundraising options? How can they streamline their organization’s backend processes? What are the future goals of the organization?

It’s a lot to consider, so we’re here to help! From fundraising to in-kind giving, here are our top 15 online donation platforms in 2022 to help find your perfect fit.

In-kind donation platforms

1. Geenees

About them: Geenees is focused on leading the new age of in-kind giving and building relationships with younger donors of today, who are looking for a better and more transparent way to give. Geenees is perfect for organizations focused on in-kind giving, allowing nonprofits to list all kinds of products and services for their families in need, from groceries to dental services. Geenees allows nonprofit organizations to tap into a backend management system to track donations, begin issuing tax receipts and list second-hand wishes.

Features: In-kind donations, fundraising options, send thank you notes to donors, nonprofit dashboard (Tax receipts, wishlist management)

Website: https://www.about.geenees.co/get-listed-on-geenees

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/givewithgeenees/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/geenees

2. Purposity

About them: Purposity is a platform for nonprofit organizations to get exactly what they need - through the power of community. Purposity works in three simple steps for organizations. First, they are able to build followers through signing up on the platform. Next, organizations can conveniently post the needs they require using the platform. Finally, these needs are delivered directly to the nonprofit organization.

Features: In-kind donations delivered to doorstep

Website: https://www.purposity.com/for/organizations

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Purposity/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/purposity

3. Miry's List

About them: Miry’s List is focused on empowering new arrival refugee families through crowdsourcing and social media. This is an in-kind donation platform, which can help refugee families in setting up lists of items that are prioritized by need. Any items donated are directly sent to the family in need, and Miry’s list also offers an option of delivering donated furniture and other large items to families in need.

Features: In-kind donations through family wishlists

Website: https://miryslist.org/about-us

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/miryslist

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/miryslist

4. GOODler

About them: GOODler for charities helps spread impact in three easy steps. First, organizations create a wishlist of items they require. Next, organizations tell their supporters about their wishlists. Finally, organizations are able to receive goods through GOODler. In addition to this, GOODler provides reporting and all tax receipts and thank you letters are emailed to your donors.

Features: In-kind donations through wishlists, tax receipts, thank you letters, reporting

Website: https://gooddler.com/HowItWorks

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gooddler

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gooddler/

5. Right Gift

About them: RightGift has the mission to empower nonprofits to expand their social impact through bulk procurement of nonprofit-specific products, including a 1% cash back incentive. RightGift works with organizations to organize requests, shipping and supply chain alongside optimizing an organization's budget. RightGift also allows nonprofit organizations to create wishlists of items that they require, connecting them with both individuals and retailers.

Features: In-kind donations through wishlists, budget optimization

Website: https://rightgift.com/about

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rightgift2018

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/rightgift/

6. Troop

About them: Troop works to bring communities together specifically through leveraging technology to help businesses do good. As an organization, you can list your needs to be featured on Troop - which can be fulfilled through different mediums. For instance, you can fulfill the need through newly purchased items, items that are recycled/slightly used or even volunteer hours for your organization!

Features: In-kind donations, option to request volunteer hours

Website: https://hitroop.com/charity/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoinTeamTroop/

LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/jointeamtroop

Cash Fundraising donation platforms

1. PayPal Donations

About them: PayPal donations is working towards evolving their giving tools to help establish a worldwide network of social impact. PayPal donate can be integrated two ways for an organization, either directly on the nonprofits website for donors to give cash directly or donors can give to nonprofit organizations directly on PayPal's specific website, on which approved organizations are listed.

Features: Website fundraising integration for nonprofit organizations

Website: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/charitable-donations

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PayPal/

LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/company/paypal

2. GoFundMe Charity

About them: GoFundMe Charity pages allow nonprofit organizations to get listed for donors to easily find them and the organization to receive donations year-round. In addition to this, GoFundMe provides organizations with a charity dashboard that provides you with access to additional insights and tools for your organization. This can include on-demand donor and fundraiser reports for data-driven decisions.

Features: Fundraising for Canadian charities, Charity dashboard

Website: https://www.gofundme.com/en-ca/c/charity-fundraising

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofundme

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gofundmecharity

3. Monday for nonprofits

About them: Monday.com offers a platform specifically for nonprofits to maximize their impact and meet their fundraising goals. For instance, using the platform to visualize your donor flow, to manage grant applications as well as integrate automated fundraising emails or texts. In addition to this, nonprofit organizations can coordinate their volunteer experiences such as using the platform to assign tasks or communicate.

Features: Fundraising for nonprofits, project management

Website: https://monday.com/nonprofits?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpv2TBhDoARIsALBnVnkdwje-y0NfF7zJJQaMtRWCqET3cvT6u9YYQBK8nkP4yWKQ9n20ITgaApUaEALw_wcB

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mondaydotcom

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/2525169/

4. Keela

About them: Keela works to provide the “Do-It-All” software for nonprofits through fundraising and donor management. Keela provides fundraising and improve processes through consolidating your systems to manage your organization, empowering fluent donor communications as well as empowering through products such as an easy user interface and key performance indicators for your organization’s growth initiatives.

Features: Fundraising platform, donor management, and communication system, easy user interface


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/keeladotco

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/keela/

5. Double the donation

About them: Double the Donation is focused on raising money for organizations through specifically corporate matching gifts. This is accomplished through the three following ways. First, your organization can raise awareness by enabling donors to discover if employers will match their donations, and to what extent. Next, your organization can execute matching by accessing forms, guidelines, and easy instructions. Finally, you can grow matching gift revenue.

Features: Matching gift automations, integration, new revenue source

Website: https://doublethedonation.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doublethedonation

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/double-the-donation

6. Donorbox

About them: Donorbox is focused on enhancing your fundraising capabilities with seamless features. For instance, using this platform organizations can enable a fast checkout process which supports a variety of online payment methods - from Apple Pay to Venmo. In addition, you can tap into setting up recurring donations, allowing donors to cover fees, company gift matching with their Double the Donation integration, and much more. Donorbox also includes a crowdfunding option.

Features: Fundraising through various methods, donor management, crowdfunding etc.

Website: https://donorbox.org/features

Facebook: https://facebook.com/donorbox

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/donorbox

7. Fundly

About them: Fundly is designed to do good for nonprofit organizations. The platform offers many services for nonprofits, some of which as listed below. Organizations can integrate Fundly into both their website and Facebook page, nonprofits can find out more about their donor audiences through accessing Fundly’s heat maps. Finally, Fundly can allow your organization to access insights through data analytics.


Website: Fundraising, donor management, event management

Facebook: http://facebook.com/fundly

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/fundly

8. Soapbox Engage

About them: Soapbox Engage offers a variety of apps to support your organization’s needs from fundraising to advocacy. In addition, it is fully integrated with Salesforce. Soapbox Engage can offer your organization a variety of apps, covering the following areas - donations, events, classes, forms, directories, shops, petitions, actions and add-ons. This is an ideal option for organizations who are looking to fulfill their advocacy needs, alongside fundraising.

Features: Fundraising apps, advocacy needs, event management, integration

Website: https://www.soapboxengage.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/picnetinc

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/picnet

9. Mightycause

About them: Mightycause focuses on empowering a modern fundraising online experience that is rooted in building relationships. It is an all-in-one platform for nonprofit fundraising, donor customer relationship management, data management, marketing, etc. Mightycause offers different solutions based on your organization's fundraising needs - for instance, this can include year-around support or event-specific fundraising.

Features: Fundraising, donor management, event options

Website: https://www.mightycause.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mightycause

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mightycause
